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Work Study & Work Permits

Do you have a job?

If so, did you know that GOVS has a Work Study program?  Students who are in the Work Study program can get offline hours (towards their 25 hours per week requirement) and get elective credits.

CLICK HERE for more detailed information about the Work Study program. 

CLICK HERE to fill out the application to be in Work Study. Students must complete 10 lessons before they will be added to the Work Study program. 

If you have any questions about the program, please email Laura Griffin, at


Need a work permit?

If a student is a minor, a minor work permit must be on file at GOVS.  When students transfer to GOVS and have a work permit from their home school, they must fill out a new application for a work permit according to Ohio labor laws. 

Please follow the steps below to obtain a Minor Work Permit.  All four sections of the application must be filled out: 

  1. Download a copy of the work permit pre-application form HERE.  You can then print and fill-out the Student/Applicant Information section.  Then take this to the potential employer and have them fill-out the "Pledge of Employer" section. The Employer Tax ID is required.
  2. Students also need to have a physical performed by their family doctor.  Take the second page of the work permit with you when getting the physical and have the doctor fill-out and sign the final section under Physician's Approval.  The Physician's Approval must be less than 12 months old.
  3. When you have both pages completed, make an appointment at the Student Center to process the Work Permit. Please allow one business day for a response. Email:

Note: all Work Permit processing will now be at the Student Center in Mason - we will not be processing Work Permits at the main office in Lebanon any longer.

The hours for turning in a work permit are 9-11 AM and 1-3 PM Mon-Fri at the GOVS Student Center in Mason.

We will NOT issue a work permit to a parent without the student present.