How to Use Your GOVS Chromebook
Chromebook Rules & Regulations
1. Receiving Your Chromebook.
• All Parents/Guardians are required to attend an orientation and sign the Agreement for Use of Instructional Property form before a Chromebook will be issued to their student.
• GOVS will maintain a log of all Chromebooks that includes the Chromebook serial number, asset tag code, and name/ID number of student assigned to the device.
2. Returning Your Chromebook.
• At the end of the school year, students may keep their Chromebooks if they plan on re-enrolling for the following year.
• If a student graduates, or is withdrawn, they need to turn-in their Chromebook (and any other GOVS technology). Failure to turn in your assigned Chromebook will result in the student being charged the full $320.00 replacement cost.
• GOVS may also file a report of stolen property with the local law enforcement agency.
3. Taking Care of Your Chromebook.
• Students are responsible for the general care of the Chromebook they have been issued by GOVS.
• Chromebooks that are broken or fail to work properly must be reported to GOVS as soon as possible so that they can be taken care of properly.
• GOVS-owned Chromebooks should never be taken to an outside computer service for any type of repairs or maintenance.
4. General Precautions.
• No food or drink should be next to Chromebooks.
• Cords, cables, and removable storage devices must be inserted carefully into Chromebooks.
• Chromebooks should not be used with the power cord plugged in when the cord may be a tripping hazard.
• Chromebooks should not be used or stored near pets.
• Chromebooks must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, and/or labels. • Heavy objects should never be placed on top of Chromebooks.
• The Chromebook screen can be damaged if subjected to heavy objects, rough treatment, some cleaning solvents, and other liquids. The screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure.
• Do not put pressure on the top of a Chromebook when it is closed.
• Do not store a Chromebook with the screen open.
• Make sure there is nothing on the keyboard before closing the lid (pens, pencils, etc.)
• Only clean the Chromebook screen with a soft, dry microfiber cloth or anti-static cloth.
5. Asset Tags.
• All GOVS Chromebooks will be labeled with a GOVS Asset Tag.
• Asset tags may not be modified or tampered with in any way.
• Students may be charged up to the full replacement cost of a Chromebook for tampering with an Asset Tag or turning in a Chromebook without an Asset Tag.
6. Carrying Chromebooks.
• Always transport Chromebooks with care. Failure to do so may result in damage students and their parent/guardian will be responsible for.
• Never lift Chromebooks by the screen.
• Never carry Chromebooks with the screen open.
7. Logging Into a Chromebook.
• Students will log into their Chromebooks using their email account.
• Students should never share their account password with others, unless requested by an administrator.
8. Managing Your Digital Work on a Chromebook.
• All student work will be stored in the Google Drive associated with your account.
• You can access this work from any computer/smart phone with an Internet connection. • Students should always remember to save frequently when working on digital media.
• GOVS will not be responsible for the loss of any student work completed on a Chromebook.
• Students are encouraged to maintain backups of their important work on a portable storage device or by having multiple copies stored in different Internet storage solutions.
• Students may set-up their home printer with Google Cloud Print in order to print from their Chromebook at home. Information about Google Cloud Print can be obtained here:
9. Content Filter.
• GOVS utilizes an Internet content filter that is in compliance with the federally mandated Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
• All Chromebooks, regardless of physical location (in or out of school), will have all Internet activity protected and monitored by GOVS.
10. Using Your Chromebook Outside of School.
• Students are encouraged to use their Chromebook at home and at other locations outside of GOVS.
• A WiFi Internet Connection will be required for the majority of Chromebook use. However, some applications can be used while not connected to the Internet.
• Students are bound by the GOVS Acceptable Use Agreement, and all other guidelines in this document wherever they use their Chromebook. FY ’20
11. Chromebook Operating System and Security.
• Students may not use or install any other operating system on their Chromebook other than the current version of ChromeOS that is supported and managed by GOVS.
• The Chromebook operating system, ChromeOS, updates itself automatically. Students do not need to manually update their Chromebook.
• Chromebooks use the principle of “defense in depth” to provide multiple layers of protection against viruses and malware, including data encryption and verified boot.
• There is no need for additional virus protection.
12. Software.
• Chromebooks seamlessly integrated with the Google Apps for Education suite of productivity and collaboration tools.
• This suite includes: o Google Email (GMAIL) o Google Docs (word processing) o Google Sheets (spreadsheets) o Google Slides (presentations) o Google Drawings o Google Forms
• All student work is stored in Google Drive (cloud-based storage).
• Students can use any Internet-connected computer to see their Email & files by signing-in at with your username/password.
13. Repairing/Replacing Your Chromebook.
• All Chromebooks in need of repair must be returned to GOVS as soon as possible.
• Loaner Chromebooks may be issued to students when they leave their GOVS -issued Chromebook for repair.
• A student borrowing a Chromebook will be responsible for any damage to or loss of the loaned device.
• The GOVS Technology Department will analyze and fix the problems if possible.
• If your Chromebook is damaged and requires a replacement a $50 fee will be assessed at the time of replacement. FY ’20
14. Expectation of Privacy.
• Students have no expectation of confidentiality or privacy with respect to any usage of a Chromebook, regardless of whether that use is for district-related or personal purposes, other than as specifically provided by law.
• GOVS may, without prior notice or consent, log, supervise, access, view, monitor, and record use of student Chromebooks at any time for any reason related to the operation of the school.
• By using a Chromebook, students agree to such access, monitoring, and recording of their use.
15. Appropriate Uses and Digital Citizenship.
• School-issued Chromebooks should be used for educational purposes only and students are to adhere to the Internet Acceptable Use and Safety policy found in the GOVS Student Handbook.
• While working in a digital and collaborative environment, students should always conduct themselves as good digital citizens by adhering to the following:
i. Respect Yourself. I will show respect for myself through my actions. I will select online names that are appropriate. I will use caution with the information, images, and other media that I post online. I will carefully consider what personal information about my life, experiences, or relationships I post. I will not be obscene. I will act with integrity.
ii. Protect Yourself. I will ensure that the information, images, and materials I post online will not put me at risk. I will not publish my personal details, contact details, or a schedule of my activities. I will report any attacks or inappropriate behavior directed at me while online. I will protect passwords, accounts, and resources.
iii. Respect Others. I will show respect to others. I will not use electronic mediums to antagonize, bully, harass, or stalk people. I will show respect for other people in my choice of websites: I will not visit sites that are degrading to others, pornographic, racist, or inappropriate. I will not enter other people's private spaces or areas.
iv. Protect Others. I will protect others by reporting abuse and not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications. I will avoid unacceptable materials and conversations.
v. Respect Intellectual property. I will request permission to use copyrighted or otherwise protected materials. I will suitably cite all use of websites, books, media, etc. I will acknowledge all primary sources. I will validate information. I will use and abide by the fair use rules.
vi. Protect Intellectual Property. I will request to use the software and media others produce. I will purchase, license, and register all software or use available free and open source alternatives rather than pirating software. I will purchase my music and media and refrain from distributing these in a manner that violates their licenses.