Who are we?
The Greater Ohio Virtual School is a fully-accredited community school, organized under the laws of Ohio. GOVS performs the same duties and functions of any other public school as prescribed by law.
GOVS is a FREE online public school serving all students in grades 7-12 living within the borders of the State of Ohio.
GOVS is sponsored by St. Aloysius/Charter School Specialists.
GOVS is housed within the Warren County Educational Service Center.
GOVS offers an online curriculum to any student whose needs, desires, or circumstances would best be served by a non-traditional educational model. Those students might include but are not limited to:
Students who desire to move through the curriculum at their own pace
Students who need additional credits for graduation
Students with discipline or social issues in the traditional classroom
Students/parents seeking an accredited curriculum, taught by certified teachers, which can be tailored to address individual needs
Students who want to re-enter the diploma pathway before turning 22 years-of-age
Students with medical issues that require a more-personalized curricular approach
Students who are credit-deficient can quickly make-up lost credits due to the flexibility of our school. Your classes are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our school week goes from Monday morning to Sunday night. Students can work for a maximum of 10 hours per calendar day.
The GOVS curriculum may be accessed from any device with the ability to connect to the Internet. Students may elect to use their own computer & home Internet, or if needed, may borrow a GOVS Chromebook to complete coursework. Verizon Wireless Hotspots (aka MiFi units), which only connect to GOVS Chromebooks, are available for special situations.
All GOVS students have access to Virtual Tutoring every week. Students are offered up to three hours of FREE virtual tutoring per week via Google Meet, Facetime, or Skype.
The Greater Ohio Virtual School offers a complete special education department with full-time teachers who service students with an Individualized Educational Program.
GOVS employs a full-time truancy officer who tracks attendance daily. Attendance is determined by online and offline hours and each student is required to accumulate twenty-five (25) hours of seat time per week.
A Work Study program is available for all GOVS students who are working a full- or part-time job. Students can receive elective credit for their job along with hours that can be counted towards their weekly attendance total.
The Greater Ohio Virtual School is NCAA-approved and facilitates College Credit Plus for those students who qualify.